Monday, October 29, 2012

Ashley Ltr: 2012-10-29

Hey family!

Sounds like things are going great at home! I'm so sorry to hear about your ankle Brooker, way to be tough and play through it! I'm anxious to hear how the rest of the season goes for you guys! Ya'll got snow?!?! Oh man... This week was absolutely gorgeous in the high 70's all week until Saturday... Then the ball got dropped it was in the high 40's then, yesterday, and today. NOT COOL! I'm sooooo not ready for winter. But I think it's coming whether I like it or not. I've been told that last winter was nothing all you really needed was a jacket and you could call it good but people are saying this winter is going to be cold, really cold. Just my luck haha oh well I'll stay warm somehow.

No there really hasn't been much change with my knee... :( I think it's starting to hurt worse. I've been icing it (probably not as much as I should though which might make a difference..) and I take ibuprofen a couple times a day. I just don't know what else to do... Yah I got my coat thank you! It's definitely big enough, we probably could have gone with the small but I don't know that its worth it to switch it out. I don't know what do you think? And yes I got my absentee ballot, it was kinda exciting that was my first official time voting! Yah I have a red and gray sweater out here and thats about it. I stay warm enough in the apt right now, Sister Walker had an extra fleece blanket that she's been letting me use but I'll probably need another one soon but I can just go buy some fleece so don't worry about sending me one for now.

I don't know Elder Hoy but that about breaks my heart that poor guy oh my gosh that would be so hard. NONE OF YOU ARE ALLOWED TO DIE WHILE I'M OUT HERE!!

A few people have mentioned Mitt Romney to us most of them say something like, I don't want to hear what you have to say but I'm definitely voting for a Mormon! I thought there would be more of a stir too but so far not to much has been said.

You might just have to tell me what it is Courtney did because she doesn't write me!!! It's been how long since homecoming and still nothing... I'm hurt Court. But if you get a letter off to me this week I might just forgive you.

I can't believe we'll have 8 full time missionaries out!!! That's awesome!! Who all is out? That movie 'The District' is actually the one they use to train us those first 3 months, it's cool and that really is how missions are, I loved how real it was portrayed.

We didn't get in with Jimmy and Christy this week, Christy has been really sick all week so whenever we dropped in we'd just say hi and bye basically. We ordered them both large print book of Mormons so hopefully they'll start reading more. They are only in their high 30's and low 40's but have crappy eyes I guess. I really hope she gets feeling better soon so we can get teaching them again. No Austin and Laura didn't end up coming yesterday... But we did meet with them last night and committed them for this Sunday!! But then we realized its stake conference dang it... And it's in Chattanooga, this would be Laura's first time ever going to church so we'll let them know that it'll be a little different and if they're willing to drive out there. But our lesson with them went really well, we read Alma 32, she read it on her own but didn't really understand so we went through and explained what to look for. After we met with them we went over to Austin's parents house Roger and Lisa Bell (who are awesome!! I love going over there :)), they are also less active, but when we told them that we're teaching Austin and Laura they both got really excited and talked about how this could help them get back into church as well as their other daughter! So really pray hard that things can align there! That would be 3 more families added to the ward if they all started coming which would be fantastic! 

Something pretty cool happened this week... We were out tracting I think it was on Wednesday, it was a car fast day so we were walking and we had had zero success. We heard about some apartments up behind the grocery store that a member used to live in but the last time missionaries were there one of the residents there called the cops on them so they haven't been tracted for awhile but we thought what the heck we'll try it anyway. So we get there and the first several doors people were very rude it was getting to the point that the next person that said some snotty comment I was going to take my Jesus face off (thats a saying that I heard a member say this week hahaha I love it) and give them a piece of my mind. Of course I wouldn't do that but I sure felt like it! Anyway we go to the upstairs apartments and this lady answers and invites us in! She was super friendly and when we asked her if she had a church she was going to right now she said no I haven't found the right one yet and you girls showed up! We taught her very briefly the restoration and gave her a Book of Mormon and set a return appt. Unfortunately she had to go to the hospital the day we were supposed to meet (Satan... man I really don't like him) so hopefully we'll be able to work something else out this week. Keep her in your prayers too, her name is Connie Hayes.

Well I think that about wraps up my week... Thank you for all the continued love and support. I feel those prayers all the time. I love and miss you all!! xoxoxo


Sister Bedke :)

p.s. I thought of something I'd like for Christmas a new bag I love my black one that I got but it got snagged on something and now has a big tear in the back :( it'll work for now but if you find another one kind of like it that would be awesome, also a Nike just do it shirt, that has kind of become my motto and I thought that'd be fun. :)

Monday, October 22, 2012

Ashley Ltr: 2012-10-22

Helloooo family!

Sounds like a good and fun week! That stinks about the storm though ruining dad's sign but like you said your intentions were good haha! Thanks for the knee advice dad, no its really not doing any better, Bro McKenney from the ward gave me a knee brace that has magnets in it that he said might help, I've been wearing it for the past couple of days and haven't really noticed a change since then but I'll keep doing it at least for a few more days and see if it helps. No my absentee ballot hasn't come yet or my coat. With boots there is a place out here that is only open at the first of every month and they have insane deals on a whole bunch of stuff and they had some boots so I got a pair for $25! I've been told that it doesn't really snow here so just to go mainly for warmth and these ones are definitely warm I'll just have to spray them with water proofing stuff. I'm still thinking about Christmas stuff... Maybe that country CD about pioneers and the Nashville tribute one from Seagull. Clothes are always good. I don't know I'll keep thinking.

We did get a hold of Christy this week! Her baptism didn't end up happening on Saturday... I feel like I'm calling wolf with that one and should just keep it on the down low until after it actually happens. But her husband Jimmy has really been listening a lot lately, we got him a suit for church (well Bro McKenney did) so now he really has no excuse not to come. They didn't come yesterday though which was a huge bummer so we went over there last night to see what was up and I guess Christy is really sick and they were having car problems. So I was a little less bummed after talking to them but we'll get em next week! We also ordered Christy and Jimmy both the big print Books of Mormon because they both struggle with reading the smaller print, so that rules out that excuse too! I'm getting pretty good at not taking excuses from people I'm starting to call them out on it. For example Roy called us Saturday night and was like I probably won't come to church because it's to early and I'm tired but I was like Roy this is church, God and your eternal salvation we're talking about here, laziness is not an excuse not to come so you better come up with something better than that. He came to church. :) We hear so many excuses it drives me crazy! Amber's annoying yet insightful quote has come in handy numerous times, "An excuse no matter how valid weakens the character of the giver!" haha I love it.

I think a few weeks ago I told you a little about Laura and Austin Payne... They are a young couple about my age, with an 18 month old daughter. Austin is a member but hasn't been for awhile and missionaries have been over there a couple times before and tried to talk with Laura but it hasn't really gone anywhere. That's just because they hadn't had Sister Bedke and Walker over there! Laura has grown up in the Church of God I think where they are taught that the Book of Mormon is bad and is adding to the Bible so she hasn't ever accepted a copy. But we explained more about the Book of Mormon and that it's not adding to the Bible. We each bore our testimonies of it and explained how it's blessed our lives and guess what?! She accepted a copy and wants to start taking the discussions!!! :) :) :) So that was way exciting, I'm anxious to teach them both! Austin seemed excited to that she wants to learn more and he also bore his testimony that if she'd just read it she'd know why it's so important, it was really cool. The spirit really is an amazing thing.

We have been focusing a lot on the less actives in the ward (and there are a lot!) and trying to get them reactivated. There are a couple we're especially close with, one her name is Sister Harrison, we help her with her yard work every Saturday. She hasn't been to church in a few years but we keep inviting her and I'm thinking one of these days she'll break down and come. Also we meet with another lady Sister Menaugh who hasn't been to church in years either and can't right now because she is raising two of her grandsons, whose parents are very anti to the church so she's holding off until the youngest one is 8 because then they will be accountable. But she has told us numerous times how grateful she is that we come and see her, she literally lives in the middle of nowhere and has no car so visitors are few and far between. I just really want all these less actives to come back.

We had ward conference yesterday and the stake presidency came and spoke. President Griffey kept saying over and over how we are running out of time and every member needs to be doing everything we can to share the gospel and to bring these people into the fold. There really has been an urgency behind a lot of talks lately. It's exciting and kinda scary but I love that I get to be right in the middle of it all right now!

I think that about covers the highlights of the week. Just please continue to keep Jimmy and Christy, and now Austin and Laura in your prayers! I love and miss you all!! xoxoxo


Sister Bedke

Monday, October 15, 2012

Ashley Ltr: 2012-10-15

Hey Y’all!!

Sounds like things are going great at home! I'm so glad you got to see Suzanne and her baby!! Man I'm excited to see them again... I miss them! Congrats on the soccer game Jacer! You are the man. That conference sounds cool that dad went to, I wish we could incorporate family history into more of our teaching but I really have no idea how to use the site and a lot of people we meet don't have computers anyway and I don't know that they'd care, which is sad. I found out this week that Murray county is the state’s highest drug usage, teen pregnancy, and unemployment rate in all of Georgia,  one of the highest unemployment rates in the United States actually and I'm living right in the middle of it haha. Oh man...

Yes we have to meet with John on the porch because there's not another woman there, the past few days haven't been bad though weather wise but soon it’s gonna be COLD!! There's a less active couple in our ward, the Bells, who are landscapers and told us there are some definite signs that its going to be a cold winter... awesome.

As for Roy he hasn't been calling us as often anymore, I really don't know what his deal is. Bishop pulled us into his office yesterday though and told us he and the stake president looked up his records and he is a registered sex offender... We knew he was on probation but I didn't know that was why. So bishop told us not to go over there anymore and that if he ever does decide to get baptized it’s going to be a pretty big process. We were always smart when we went over there and most of the time we had someone with us but I'm just so grateful that Heavenly Father kept us save and really I'm also grateful that I didn't know those things before because even though I know I shouldn't judge I would have and I know I wouldn't have been able to teach him as well because I'd be seeing is his past. But know he knows about the church and can turn his life around hopefully.

The new Elders are awesome! We haven't got to spend very much time with them yet, but from what I've seen I like. They like to have fun, but also know how to work. Which has been a breath of fresh air for me because my companion is NOT FUN. Oh my lands I'm trying so hard but some days she is more than I can handle. She's just weird and copies me a lot ugh but only about a month left! I really really hope my next companion actually has a sense of humor and likes to have fun but also work hard. No they don't all live together the area they're in is split in two Dalton west and east, they live about 10 minutes from each other or so. I'm the driver now because it really stressed Sister Walker out and I mentioned to her that she doesn't have to drive she jumped at the chance to switch so it was a win win.

This week was very uneventful unfortunately... We did A TON of walking and tracting. Saturday we walked just shy of 15 miles!!! In 2 days we walked about 25 miles! Oh my heck my legs were so sore yesterday especially my hip, it’s doing alright today though thank goodness. But my right knee has been bothering me a lot lately. It's the one that has bothered me before but I don't know what to do to have it stop hurting. I've been putting my heating pad on it at night for like 15 or so minutes and I take ibuprofen to help with the pain but I don't know what else to do or try. Suggestions? We did find a couple of new investigators out tracting though so hopefully something will happen there!

We couldn't get ahold of Christy this week we went by a few times and called but we didn't get to talk to her at all... :( I'm getting really worried we'll probably push her baptism back again. I just really hope she doesn't push us away or want to stop meeting with us it literally might break my heart. But I thought of her a lot when I was reading that talk too, I want to share it with her, just have to get ahold of her first! Keep the prayers coming!

I'm glad to hear Taylor is doing better, that is nasty that he had that living inside of him!!

I sometimes have time to read Grandma's emails, we get about an hour on the computer is all. And I only print at this library if I really want something because its stinkin .25 cents per paper!

I think that about wraps up my week like I said not very eventful hopefully this week will be better! Thank you for the prayers, love, and encouragement. Somedays that’s the only things that keeps me going. I love and miss you all!!! xoxoxo


Sister Bedke :)

p.s. I forgot we had a zone conference this week which was good! But Sister Cady told me that her brother in law is Kent Black, Uncle Matt's friend! She said her sister said I guess after this anniversary she has officially lived with Kent longer than Matt Kinghorn haha!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Ashley Ltr: 2012-10-09

Hey dad, mom, Amb, Court, Brooker, Jacer man, MP3 and everyone else who reads this blog!

Thank you for Russ Nay's info dad I know Bro Cox will be really happy to get that. I'm so sorry everyone has been sick. I laughed out loud in the dead silent library at Madi's comment to you mom haha!! The secrets out! I got the gps thank you thank you grandma and grandpa!! Court you looked smokin hot! I'm still waiting on the pics and how it went. The sweater is to big but I'm sure I can find someone who will appreciate it. And thank you grandma and grandpa for the horse picture and story I've always loved that picture at your house and now its hanging right by my study desk as a reminder to me, I'm thinking I'll probably share it at district meeting sometime.

In answer to some of your questions, no most of our appts weren't there unfortunately that happens a lot and it gets slightly discouraging okay a lot discouraging. But Becky sent me an AWESOME talk by Elder Holland (thank you Becky!!) that has helped with some of those discouraging days. It talks about not forgetting that confirmation you got in the first place for me that serving a mission is what I'm supposed to be doing and not to forget that feeling of doing what is right. Yes we still meet with John every night, its getting COLD now though so we hurry and read from the BOM and then go home, which sucks but what can you do? Because of legal things we aren't allowed to volunteer at elementary schools or really be around kids, we're not allowed to hold them or anything :( I hate that one missionaries actions affect things for everyone else. There's only one nursing home in Murray county that we're aware of and we still go there every Wed and every other Fri which is so much fun!

Yes conference was fantastic!! Oh my gosh conference for missionaries is like Christmas haha we all get really hyped up and excited! President Uchtdorf's talk was meant for me, like I told you I've been bummed about not having a change this transfer but I loved how he talked about finding joy in the journey now, not focusing on the finish line but finding happiness no matter what your circumstances are. That is exactly what I needed, there's nothing I can do to change my situation right now so I might as well make the best of it that I can! I also loved Sister Dibbs, Elder Ballard, and Elder Holland's talks, I'm excited to re read them! I think I mentioned in my last letter that I'd like you to send me just the conference ensigns please! And yah the whole age change!! I thought it was so funny how they panned out on the audiences faces and everyone just had their mouths dropped wide open haha! I think you're right there are going to be a lot more sisters who serve now. And Amb was the first person who came to my mind, I wanted to talk to her sooooo bad afterwards. It was cool though there is a girl in our ward, Joana, who will be 19 in a couple of months, was sitting across from us and during the announcement she burst into tears then came over to me afterwards and was like "I'm going on a mission!!" I'm so excited for this new change! For the first session we went to the chapel, second we went to the McKenney's, third we went to the Arharts, and fourth we were at the chapel again. The only downer was we didn't have any investigators come to watch... Even though a few said they would. :(

We got three new Elders this week! Elder Robison (who is wayyyy cute!) from Roberts, ID does grandma and grandpa know their family? His dad is a potato farmer I think. Anyway he is our new district leader and is training Elder Dreeson, who is from California, and Elder Pierce who is from Utah he is with Elder Ready who stayed. They all seem like great guys and I'm excited to get to work with them.

I had Bro McKenney send you that info dad because he's got this machine that helps with aches and pains. Anyway it sounds kinda weird but he and a whole bunch of people in the ward swear by it and I though it'd be something you might be interested in.

The big news of the week is.... Christy has a new baptism date!!! She's been really hesitant the past couple of weeks but our lesson with her a few days ago went really well, the spirit was there and we invited her again and she accepted! Another awesome thing is that her husband Jimmy has been listening in the past 3 or 4 times and last time we were there he asked for a copy of the Book of Mormon! Now if he'll just come to church... Please continue to keep them in your prayers. They are really our only solid investigators right now.

Thank you Brooke and Jace for cheering on BYU for me!! And Jace for doing the smack talk to Amb for me haha ya'll are the best! :)

I hope Taylor gets feeling better soon, its hard enough being a missionary being healthy I can't even imagine being sick all the time especially in a foreign country. Props to him for finishing! I heard that Governor Romney blew Obama out of the water!! Haha that's awesome! It'll be interesting to see what happens these next few weeks. Speaking of elections... Can you send me an absentee ballet or something? I'd like to vote but I don't really know how to go about doing it out here.

Well I think that about wraps up my week. Oh wait no! We almost died the other day! We were out tracting and we were headed down a private road and as we round the bend these two huge pit bulls come charging right at us, teeth baring, growling, barking ready to attack. We as calmly as we can turn around and start to walk away the one came right up to me and tried to get my bag but I yanked it away and prayed so hard that Heavenly Father would protect us. Right after that it was like we had this shield placed around us because they didn't come within a few feet from us after that. Once we got back to the main road they went back to the house, I was shaking so bad it was so scary. But I know that Heavenly Father was watching over us that day!

Also I'm now the designated driver for real this time! So I no longer put my life on the line when I get in the car! :) Now I think I'm done... Keep the letters coming! I love and miss you all!! xoxoxo


Sister Bedke

Monday, October 1, 2012

Ashley Ltr: 2012-10-01

Sent: Monday, October 01, 2012 9:36 AM

Helloooooo family!!

Thank you so much for the letter, it sounds like everything is going great at home!  I hope you get feeling better soon Court!  I still haven't gotten a report on the dance or pictures yet, that is not okay.  Someone please call or text Jess for me and see if she got my letter and tell her to write me so I know what's going on with her and Scott!!  No I haven't met him but I know she thinks the world of him, what did U Brice think? I'm glad you got my pictures I was getting worried that they didn't get there for some reason, I don't know how to e-mail them still on the computers here so I was thinking you could probably just scan them onto the blog or something.  Yah I've written all of my MTC district at least once and have kept in regular contact with 3 of them, it’s been fun.  Yes I've written Emily a couple times and have gotten one back from her so far and now I'm just waiting to hear back from her again.  She's doing great!  She told me (granted she'd only been out 3 or so weeks) but that she had done NO TRACTING!!  They are that busy or just get referrals from members all the time!  I was sooooo jealous most of the time it seems like that’s all we do is tract and have gotten almost no member referrals... :( Each mission is so different!

This week has been better we found a couple of new investigators who I hope will actually be there for our appts all the ones we've had the past couple of weeks have bonked us which gets really old.  So yah I know how you feel when someone backs out of appts it is discouraging but don't give up on that lady!  That's so awesome that you invited them to do it at our home!  Those are called cottage meetings and really are the best kind of teaching situations, in a member’s home where the spirit is already felt.  I'm excited to hear how things go with her.  How long has Matt been out? How is he doing? That's crazy about the Littlewood kid Armenia!!  There actually was a sister from there that served here right before me.  Yah we'll get an extra tracting hour now because we're done with training and we're trying to find service opportunities but it's been kinda hard, we tried the Salvation Army last week but they didn't have anything for us to do yet, we'll keep looking though.

This week we got to meet with Christy who is getting better!  Her husband Jimmy has been sitting in our last couple of lessons to which is awesome, now if we can just get him to come to church.  They told us they might come to General Conference this weekend for at least one session, I really hope they do.  We also met with a really awesome young couple the husband, Austin, is a member but not active and his wife, Laura is Pentecostal anyway we had a good visit with them and they also expressed interest in coming to General Conference this weekend!  I really hope things happen there, they would be a great asset to the ward, and we need more young couples.

Church yesterday was fantastic!!  The stake president came to ward council and very intensely told the council that the members have got to be more involved in missionary work.  I guess this year the Dalton ward has had about 23 baptisms and maybe 12 of them come regularly it’s sad.  So for combined Relief Society/Priesthood the Bishop told everyone that they would be getting assignments to help bring those who have fallen away back.  I think big things are going to happen with this ward, if the members will all do their part.

Yes we got to watch the broadcast on Saturday, it was excellent!  I can't remember the Relief Society presidents name but I really liked her talk on the Atonement and how all that is unfair about life can be made right through the Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ.  How true that is, I think a lot of us forget the breadth of the Atonement, we think that it's only for people who need to repent because of something they've done wrong but it’s so much more than that!  It's for all of us who are hurting, lonely, scared, and lost.  The Savior has felt it all and can comfort each and every one of us no matter what we're going through!  :)

I think that about covers it for the week...  We're getting three new Elders on Wednesday.  They're white washing Dalton west so we're getting a new district leader and everything.  I'm going to miss those Elders, I really hate goodbyes but we're going to have a fun last p day together today.  Keep the letters coming family.  I love hearing from you!!  Tell the ward hi for me and thank you for all the love and support, I really have felt all the prayers from them and from the family.  I've been so incredibly blessed!!  Y'all are the best!!  I love you!!  xoxoxo


Sister Bedke